We hope you join us this weekend for our next Sunday morning service where our whole congregation gathers together to worship and hear fresh, God-breathed messages from our Pastors. Pastor Doug’s phenomenal message series reach us where we are and lifts us up to where God is. Come and experience God’s supernatural power for you this Sunday morning! (Childcare provided for ages 0-12 years.)
Service Time

Come this Wednesday night to our uplifting mid-week service when Pastor Doug opens the Bible for a more in-depth study of God’s Word. Also, as a special service on the 3rd Wednesday night of the month, men and women separate from each other to bond and get ministered to in ways that are unique to them. Valor youth group (grades 6-12) also meets @ this time for fun and powerful services. See you there! (Childcare provided for ages 0-11 years.)